cine , comics Miércoles, 22 octubre 2008

Escándalo: cambian el final de Watchmen

Primero, el nuevo trailer, fresquecito. Luego, los spoilers.

Ahora, el escándalo. Kevin Smith -isi conche- ya vio la película de Watchmen y ha confirmado los rumores: cambiaron el final. Adiós calamar gigante con cara de LHC.

It’s a little different. While it is a slight departure, it actually makes sense in the context of the story because it brings the characters back into it. It kind of makes the movie more about them by the end of it because of the switch they made. I would never say that Alan Moore fucked it up or something. I love the ending of the Watchmen comic book, but I think this ending works just as well.

No importa que lo diga Kevin Smith. ¡Sacrilegio! Recogeré firmas, organizaré marchas, sacaré un blog. Esto no puede estar pasando.